Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hands up, who's a dumbass? :P

I wonder sometimes if its me. I seem the common denominator when it comes to people being annoying. I'M always the one that's annoyed. Could it be, perhaps, that I just don't suffer fools gladly.

What a stupid phrase. To "suffer fools gladly". Who the fuck does? And how can you gladly suffer something. Unless of course you are a masochist. But you'd have to be one who seriously into really fucked up treatment, you know, to actually want a total moron to just hang around and annoy you.

I guess its just that people who are either horrendously inconsiderate or unfailingly idiotic just really push my buttons. I find myself witnessing the evidence of their dumbness and carefully considering what a tack hammer would look like hanging out the side of one of their temples.

But then I notice the multitude of websites around that poke fun at stupid actions of people, TV programs about stupid acts or stupid quotes of famous people (Mariah Carey's being one "when I look at a starving African child I get so mad.. I mean, I'd kill to be that thin").

So, I think to myself, if the world enjoys laughing at stupid people in society, where are the stupid people from? There are simply more dumb things done daily around the world than there seems to be dumb people.

The only conclusion I can come up with is that idiocy has got to the stupendously high levels that some dumb people don't know that they are dumb, and actively put themselves in the "normal" bracket in order to laugh at the other idiots around.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go lock myself out of my car, and then be run over by it. Or something.

Mood today: +2, feelin goooooood..


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